How To Convert Canada Visitor Visa To Work Permit?

skybridge global immigration
3 min readMay 23, 2024


Most visitors to Canada typically can’t obtain a work permit while in the country. However, until February 28, 2025, a temporary public policy allows visitors to apply for work permits from within Canada. This guide covers the necessary documents, processing times, and costs, including the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) fee.

Understanding the Canada Visitor Visa: A Brief Overview

The Canada Visitor Visa, also known as the Temporary Resident Visa (TRV), allows individuals to visit Canada for tourism, business, or short stays. Typically valid for up to six months, the exact duration is determined by an immigration officer. To obtain a Canada Visitor Visa, applicants must demonstrate that their stay is temporary.

Whether you’re a tourist, visiting family, on a business trip, or planning to relocate abroad, a visitor visa can be an essential part of your travel plans.

Switching from a Visitor Visa to a Work Permit in Canada: Key Information

A Canada work permit allows you to work legally in the country. There are two types: open work permits, which let you work for any employer, and employer-specific permits, which tie you to a particular job and company. Converting a visitor visa to a work permit typically requires an employer-specific permit and a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).You Must Follow This Steps In Regards To Converting A Visit Visa To Work Visa


To convert your visitor status to a work permit in Canada, you’ll need a job offer from a Canadian employer. This employer may need to obtain a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), which demonstrates the necessity of hiring a foreign worker because no Canadian worker is available for the job. Note that the job offer must be supported by an LMIA unless it qualifies for an exemption.


To change your visitor status to a work permit in Canada, you’ll need a job offer from a Canadian employer. The employer must obtain a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). If approved, the LMIA is a critical document for your work permit application, unless you qualify for an exemption (e.g., certain free trade agreements, intra-company transferees, etc.)


  1. Obtain an LMIA or Job Offer:
  2. 2. Your Canadian employer must secure a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).

3. If your occupation is exempt from an LMIA, a job offer will suffice.

Apply for a Work Permit:

Typically, you should apply for a work permit from your home country, such as India. Submit your application through a visa filing officer or a trusted immigration consultant. For a fast and reliable process, consider Skybridge Global LLP.


  • A copy of the positive LMIA
  • The job offer letter
  • Proof of identity (passport)
  • Applicable fees
  • Any other documents requested by the visa office (e.g., proof of qualifications, police certificates, medical exams)



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